Keith B Doelling, Luc H Arnal, M Florencia Assaneo
PLoS Computational Biology (2023)
Continuar leyendo “Adaptive oscillators support Bayesian prediction in temporal processing”Laboratorio de Percepción y Producción del Habla
Keith B Doelling, Luc H Arnal, M Florencia Assaneo
PLoS Computational Biology (2023)
Continuar leyendo “Adaptive oscillators support Bayesian prediction in temporal processing”Cecilia Mares, Ricardo Echavarría Solana, M Florencia Assaneo
Communications Biology (2023)
Continuar leyendo “Auditory-motor synchronization varies among individuals and is critically shaped by acoustic features”Fernando Lizcano-Cortés, Ireri Gómez-Varela, Cecilia Mares, Pascal Wallisch, Joan Orpella, David Poeppel, Pablo Ripollés, M Florencia Assaneo
STAR protocols (2022)
Continuar leyendo “Speech-to-Speech Synchronization protocol to classify human participants as high or low auditory-motor synchronizers”Doelling, K. B., & Assaneo, M. F.
PLoS biology (2021)